smarterSec Patch Impact Analyzer

The smart way to an established SAP security patch management process

SAP releases its Security Notes every second Tuesday of the month to fix recently detected security vulnerabilities. Although it is strongly recommended that the SAP Security Notes are implemented promptly, many SAP customers struggle with this recommendation. The associated testing efforts and uncertain effects on the SAP system present most companies with major problems.

After implementing SAP Security Notes, a significant effort is required for testing, as it is usually unclear what is to be tested and who is the best tester.

The effects of SAP Security Notes are unclear and therefore there are concerns about the stability of the SAP production system.

Software components that are not actively used are often forgotten, leaving vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

The smarterSec Patch Impact Analyzer makes it possible to make detailed predictions about the impact of SAP Security Notes before they are implemented.


  • Which SAP Security Notes need to be implemented in my system?
  • Which ones are not relevant for my system?


  • Can the SAP Security Notes be imported directly?
  • Is a test on the QA-environment neccessary?


  • If a test is neccessary, which applications need to be tested?
  • How do you identify the right testers?

The smarterSec Patch Impact Analyzer can be used on all SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP (SAP ECC 6.0, SAP S4HANA, etc.). It analyzes the impact of a correction in the ABAP source code for every SAP Security Note that you plan to implement.

Using an automated approach, the Patch Impact Analyzer performs an in-depth analysis for each new SAP Security Note. This makes it possible to make detailed predictions about the effects or changes on the SAP system. In addition, the Patch Impact Analyzer identifies which applications need to be tested and which people are the best potential testers. This optimally supports and simplifies the SAP security patch management process for our customers, resulting in less testing effort and significant time savings.

Benefits at a glance

  • Continuous and established SAP security patch management process (continuity)
  • Only the identified areas that are necessary are tested (reduction of effort)
  • Potential testers are identified and can be involved in the testing (time saving)
  • Effects on the SAP system are known and taken into account (stability)
  • SAP security patches are always up-to-date (reduction of the attack surface)
  • SAP security experts from smarterSec advise you regularly (Managed Service)

You want to get a full overview of all features and functions of the smarterSec Patch Impact Analyzer?
Get in touch with us and request your free live demo today!

Related topics: Managed Security Service for the smarterSec Security Platform // SAP Security Risk Assessment


smarterSec GmbH
Managed Security Service Provider for SAP®

Albert-Nestler-Str. 21, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

+49 (0) 721 160 800-0

smarterSec APJ Pty Ltd.
Managed Security Service Provider for SAP®

Sydney, Australia

+61 (0) 419 000 723

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