For our SAP penetration test, we generally choose a grey-box-approach, unless the customer expressly requests a black box penetration test. Black box means that the analysis is carried out externally, without internal knowledge of the application. Although this is naturally fast, so that more parts of the application can be examined in a shorter time, the results are only of limited significance as the search depth is low. Only obvious problems are found (“low-hanging fruits”) and it can be assumed that not all problems are identified (e.g. logical errors). It is helpful to take into account the system settings and the application’s source code through a supplementary white box approach so that our consultants can better focus the analysis and better understand the results of conspicuous application components. The available project time can thus be used more effectively.
Our SAP penetration test offers you a quick and easy way to extensively analyze and evaluate the current risk situation of your SAP systems. Our SAP penetration tests have the following general procedure:
Preliminary meeting on the initial scope & selection of the SAP system
- Presentation of the system landscape by the customer
- Outline of the network architecture and segmentation
- Documentation of the results of the preliminary meeting
Execution of the SAP penetration test
- Part 1: Whitebox analysis
- Initial and automated white box analysis of the SAP system settings, authorizations and the customer’s own ABAP source code with the smarterSec Security Platform.
- Part 2: Selection of exploits
- Based on the results of the white box analyses, various exploits are selected and discussed with the customer, usually focusing on individual critical vulnerabilities.
- Part 3: Execution of exploits
- The selected exploits are specifically executed in the SAP system in order to test security vulnerabilities in a practical manner. The aim is to realistically evaluate potential vulnerabilities and to check the effectiveness of existing security measures.
- Part 4: Documentation
- Once an SAP penetration test has been completed, a comprehensive final report and accompanying presentation documents are prepared for the final presentation.
- Part 5: Final meeting and presentation
- In a final meeting, the results and specific recommendations for action are discussed. In this meeting, we present the key findings from the penetration test, including identified vulnerabilities, potential risks and their impact on your company. We also explain the proposed measures to mitigate the vulnerabilities and strengthen your SAP system landscape.
- Comprehensive analysis of the implemented security and compliance mechanisms of your SAP system
- Detailed audit report with all the results of the SAP penetration test and a management summary with the most important risks
- Important recommendations for action to mitigate vulnerabilities and optimize your SAP system
- Explanation of the results in a final presentation including real customer examples of how attackers can exploit the vulnerabilities found in the SAP systems
Why regular SAP penetration tests are essential for your IT security strategy?
Regular SAP penetration tests are crucial to ensure that your system is always protected against the latest threats and attack methods. Cybercriminals are constantly developing new methods to exploit vulnerabilities in SAP systems and gain access to confidential data. A regular penetration test will help you identify and eliminate these threats before they can be exploited by attackers.
Furthermore, a successful attack on your SAP system can have serious consequences, such as the loss of confidential data, the disruption of critical business processes, or even the loss of customer data. A SAP penetration test helps you minimize these risks and ensure the security of your system and data.
Another important factor is compliance and data protection regulations. Many industries and countries have specific regulations that require companies to protect their IT systems and data against attacks. SAP penetration tests will help you ensure that your company is compliant with the applicable regulations and has implemented all the necessary security measures.
In summary, performing SAP penetration tests regularly must be an indispensable part of your IT security strategy. It helps you to enhance the security of your SAP system against new threats, meet compliance requirements, and increase the confidence of your customers and partners in the security of your data.
Related topics: smarterSec Security Platform // Forensic analysis for SAP
smarterSec GmbH
Managed Security Service Provider for SAP®
Albert-Nestler-Str. 21, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
+49 (0) 721 160 800-0
smarterSec APJ Pty Ltd.
Managed Security Service Provider for SAP®
Sydney, Australia
+61 (0) 419 000 723
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