Process Improvements for SAP

Identify optimization potential in your SAP Security & Compliance processes

Why is it important to keep my security and compliance processes up to date and adapt to changing circumstances?

It is critical that companies stay up-to-date with their SAP systems and continuously improve their security and compliance processes. After all, SAP systems are often critical infrastructures that contain a lot of business-critical data and processes. If a security incident or compliance breach occurs, the consequences for the company can be severe, such as data loss, financial damage, reputational damage, or even legal consequences.

Also, SAP systems are often the target of attacks and exploits. If security vulnerabilities are not fixed or compliance violations are not reported and corrected, attackers can exploit the vulnerabilities and access, manipulate or even destroy business-critical data. Such an attack can cause severe damage to the company and affect its competitiveness.

In addition, there are also an increasing number of legal requirements and regulations that oblige companies to maintain and regularly improve their security and compliance processes. Some examples are the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) or even the ISO 27001 certification. Companies that do not comply with these requirements risk fines, sanctions or loss of business opportunities.

Process Improvements for SAP

The service identifies inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in your SAP Security & Compliance processes and delivers recommendations to optimize these processes. The focus of the service is to guide you with useful extensions to your existing processes that add long-term value to your organization.

Service Overview

  • Identification of improvements to your existing processes
  • Technical recommendations for long-term value & basis for management decision
  • Integration of SAP code scanner into development process
    • SAP Code Inspector (SCI) / SAP Code Vulnerability Analyzer (CVA), others
  • Integration of SAP configuration & authorization tools
    • SAP Solution Manager (SolMan), SAP Early Watch Alert (EWA), others
  • Integration of SAP Transport Management tools
  • Integration of SAP Monitoring tools
    • smarterSec Security Platform, SAP Enterprise Threat Detection (ETD), others

Content and procedure for process improvements for SAP

In today’s IT world, organizations rely more than ever on effectively securing and maintaining their systems and processes to avoid cyberattacks and other threats.  Our process improvement identification service aims to uncover inefficient and mismanaged processes in your SAP Security & Compliance operations. We work with the latest technologies and tools to identify weaknesses in your processes and provide you with dedicated recommendations to optimize and increase efficiency.

Experienced SAP experts analyze your existing security and compliance processes and identify weaknesses as well as potential for optimization. We provide you with detailed technical recommendations that can serve as a decision-making basis for your management and create long-term added value for your company. We take your individual requirements and priorities into account to ensure that our recommendations are tailored to your specific needs.

Process optimizations can include the implementation of SAP solutions such as SAP Code Scanner (SAP Code Inspector (SCI) / SAP Code Vulnerability Analyzer (CVA)), SAP configuration and authorization tools (SAP Solution Manager (SolMan), SAP Early Watch Alert (EWA)), SAP Transport Management tools and SAP monitoring tools (SAP Enterprise Threat Detection (ETD)). We not only support you in selecting the right solutions for your needs, but also help you with our experience in implementing the solutions into your SAP processes.

Our goal is to optimize your SAP Security & Compliance processes and increase your efficiency to support your business in the long run.

Contact us today to learn more about our process improvement services and how we can help you optimize your SAP Security & Compliance processes!

Related topics: SAP Security Risk Assessment // SAP GDPR Assessment


smarterSec GmbH
Managed Security Service Provider for SAP®

Albert-Nestler-Str. 21, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

+49 (0) 721 160 800-0

smarterSec APJ Pty Ltd.
Managed Security Service Provider for SAP®

Sydney, Australia

+61 411 283 188

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